Monday, March 8, 2010

Tock Tick By Chris Walker

I pace around my ten by twelve
And count the hours passing by
First one then two
No wait, just one
It's hard to tell
The clocks all read
Two O'clock you fool
But am I wrong?
I thought it was...
I could have sworn...
That it was just
Three in the morn
I think...
I thought...
I knew it was
It was! It was!
Then how?
But how...

Oh shit...
Daylight savings time again.

Chris Walker

Saturday, March 6, 2010


So I figured it was about time I threw a post on here about this "little" project.

It basically started as something to fill the profound boredom that was bound to exist during my spring break. But I'm kinda starting to like this project. So I'll probably end up finishing it sometime.

The plan is to make a short little animation (3-4mins). The story is about this 15 year old turn of the century orphan, living in a orphanage. That's all I'll say for now...not out of any false sense of secrecy, just because I haven't quite figured it all out for myself yet :P

I'm going for a sort of Gothic/Noir aesthetic, it will be in mostly black and white and hopefully pretty dark (tonally and thematically.

And well they say pictures are worth a thousand words, so here's a lot of words.

Here's my main character. (The hair is temporary.)

And a basic hallway of the orphanage.

And my main characters room.

And then playing around with some lighting ideas.

And that's all I got for now. But like I said, I'll hopefully finish this one day.

Everything so far has been inside Blender 2.5

Til next time.